Education and Manufacturing Support Committee:
Meet Every Third Tuesday, 11:00
Collaborate with education and manufacturing entities to promote local workforce development and focus on educating our youth for the future.
Manufacturing Support Mission:
To create effective interfaces among industry, education and the community – bridging the needs through collaboration.
Manufacturing Support Commitments:
v Continue to implement and coordinate CEO’s in the School Program and CEO 2.0 in Carlton County:
Ø Increase the number of school districts participating in the program each year.
Ø Reinforce the various post secondary opportunities for students – Technical & Vocational schools and credentials, community colleges, 2 and 4 year degrees.
Ø Open the student’s minds to the opportunities of local careers.
v Plan and coordinate a High School Career Readiness Program in Carlton County building on the goals and foundation of the 8th grade program.
Ø Partner with NEMOJT to bring Career EdVenture 10th -12th grade E-Mentoring program to Carlton County
v Assist in bringing qualified people together to develop programs that prepare students for manufacturing and technical careers, and applicable degrees, to ensure our youth have a path forward that will assist them in the workforce today and tomorrow.
v Annually recognize local manufacturing during Manufacturing Week.
Ø Promote the MN Chambers Manufacturing Week to our members
v Participate in Career Days at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.
Ø Assisting the college staff with the preparation and coordination of the event.
Ø Recruit businesses to participate in the event to educate students on local career opportunities.
On Going Initiatives
v Maintain ongoing open communication between businesses, school districts and the college to facilitate an effort to determine the needs of the business community/workforce development.
v Maintain ongoing open communication with the local industries in order to promptly address and respond to their needs.
Education and Manufacturing Support Committee:
Chair: Jeannie Kermeen, Empower You Coaching & Training
Pam Baker – Sappi
Steve Battaglia – ISD #94
Kevin Maki – FDLTCC
Stacy Kenyon, NMNOJT
Cynthia Slater – MN Workforce/AEOA